Review:Doctor Who:The Blood Cell-Book

Por Yamilet Gutierrez

Disclosure:Iam making reviews about books that i read.This is a review of a book send  for  free by Blogging for Books

I am Doctor Who fan .My favorite Doctor is David Tenant ,but i like others Doctors.The last one is Peter Capaldi and i think he is a great Doctor Who.

I was searching for books reviews website.I really want one christian book link.But i find Blogging for books and is a great site.The Blood Cell by James Goss is a great book.The Doctor is in a jail ,a very far jail.He can"t go out there.But somenthing worry the Governor.He is scare of Doctor Who?

Read the book is very interesting.I gave 5 star in Goodreads[i love this page] Doctor Who: The Blood Cell by James Goss

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I love this book.I love Doctor Who and that"s why i want to read it.The doctor is a prisioner in a jail.I recommend this book if you"re a fan of the series.You will love it!
View all my reviews
I hope you find this book and enjoy it as much is i did.I love reading and i love became a book blogger.
Read is one of my pasion.

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