The 19.00 Break

vintage 2b
                                     "They might be bigger, but we are faster and never scared"

This week all I have been able to say is: " I am tired". Final exams are here and I have been stressed and having a really rough time to get "in the zone" the previous days before an exam. Desperate needs claim for desperate measures so, I created my own "happy hour". No, it has nothing to do with alcohol, in fact it is the time I allowed myself to read as much as I wanted ( up to an hour) and sprayed my favourite perfume. It felt absolutely luxurious and soon became my best secret tool to ace my exams.

                                                     What have I been reading?

1 Teach me-Amy Lynn Steele:

This summer love story will keep you asking for more from the very first page. I just could not put this one down. Even though I felt like a was reading a book that the 15 year old me would have fancied, I absolutely enjoyed it. It got a bit cheesy at times, not gonna lie, but it was necessary because both of the characters are such hopeless romantics that they could not avoid those too-sweet-to-be-true lines. 

I think it is such a great gift for your own little sister, because it is full of life lessons that the teenage me could really have used.

                                              " Today, life has taught me there is a happily ever after"

2.The boy who sneaks in my bedroom window- Kirsty Moseley:

Who could resis to this title? Obviously, not me. This is my current read and another really sweet story. This one is a bit more slower than the other one, but in a very pleasant way. Trust me, you do not want the author to sum up this scenes. In fact, I often find myself imagining more of it. And that is a lot to say from someone who tends to rush between pages. It feels like a daily vacation when I read this book. I stop being Andrea and become this fearful female with a horrible past and a bright future. 

Every page is a lesson about how love should feel and how naturally it should arise. It makes sense why certain love stories don"t success, because the most essential was missing, mutual unconditional support.

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