Preppy Haul + Outfit of the Day

I bet you have probably noticed a little bit of a change in what I consider, my little home in the Internet. I am the kind of person that needs certain things in her life, to reflect the stage she is, and those "things" are basically: my hair and my blog. So, I totally needed to do a bit of work in the design, structure and probably the contents as well, but that"s another story.

The truth is, that I am having you here today, because I was in need of oxford shirts. So, I went shopping and bought some fun printed ones, even though I told myself I was going to go neutral- I am such a pretty little liar to myself. The moment I saw these two adorable shirts neatly folded and waiting for me, I knew we were meant to be an item.

I bought theses two button-ups at Springfield for 40 Euros and I couldn"t wait to go home and see how great they would look with my beloved collection of necklaces. What can I say? I am such a girl!

  I also was having an all-Cinderella day, probably because of Valentine"s day, and I purchased this pink, but still neutral nail polish from Catrice at a Müller shop for nearly 3 euros.

Last but not least, I wanted to show you my latest video that features a typical outfit of the day for college. Hope you enjoy!

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