Link: Binance
|What Binance Has to Offer the Cryptocurrency Market
Binance is rapidly gaining popularity as the best way to buy digital currencies like Doge and Ethereum. Users can now easily purchase many other currencies such as Litecoin, Featherstone, and Bitters. If you have been thinking about getting involved in the digital currency market but arent sure where to start, then Binance could be your answer.
Binance works similarly to ShapePay, another top online broker. ShapePay uses its own pair of currencies (the ones used on Dogecoin and the ones used on other currencies) to allow users to make trades. ShapePay claims that it will allow traders to profit from the rise and fall of different currencies, allowing you to diversify your investing portfolio. However, unlike other brokers, ShapePay does not actually deal in any altcoins or bitcoins.
Link: Binance
A few months ago, Binance was one of the few brokers to offer a full lineup of digital currencies. Binance currently offers the following coins: BitUSD, FAP Turbo, Bico currency, and Forex MegaDroid. With ShapePay, however, there was no merchant services or broker platform. You had to go through your broker to get into and out of the market, something that was not always necessary with other brokers.
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