It must have been love
But its over now

Lay a whisper on my pillow
Leave the winter on the ground
I wake up lonely, this air of silence
In the bedroom and all around

Touch me now
I close my eyes
And dream away

It must have been love
But its over now
It must have been good
But I lost it somehow
It must have been love
But its over now
From the moment we touched
Till the time had run out

Make believing
Were together
That Im sheltered
By your heart
But in and outside
I turn to water
Like a teardrop
In your palm

And its a hard
Winters day
I dream away

It must have been love (it must have been love)
But its over now (but its over now)
It was all that I wanted
Now Im living without
It must have been love
But its over now
Its where the water flows
Its where the wind blows

It must have been love (it must have been love)
But its over now (but its over now)
It must have been good
But I lost it somehow
It must have been love (it must have been love)
But its over now (but its over now)
From the moment we touched
Till the time had run out

It must have been love (it must have been love)
But its over now (but its over now)
It was all that I wanted
Now Im living without
It must have been love
But its over now
Its where the water flows
Its where the wind blows

It must have been love
But its over now (but its over now)
Must have been love (it must have been love)
But its over now (but its over now)

Fuente: LyricFind

Compositores: Per Hakan Gessle

Letra de It Must Have Been Love © Universal Music Publishing Group


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