Good Morning - Good Morning Song for Circle Time

#inglésparaniños #learningenglish #englishforkids

Good Morning From the CD, Brain Breaks Action Songs: Let’s Move!
by The Learning Station
?©Monopoli/The Learning Station
Good morning (good morning) to you. It’s so nice to see you.
It’s fun greeting you. Here we are (good morning) and we’ll shine like a star.
We could just wave... (Good morning, good morning, good morning)
Or we could shake hands... (Good morning, good morning, good morning)
(Hey, hey, what do you say? Let’s celebrate. It’s a brand new day.)
(Hey, hey, what do you say? It’s a beautiful day.)
Good morning (good morning) to you. It’s so nice to see you.
It’s fun greeting you. Here we are (good morning) and we’ll shine like a star.
We could just wave... (Good morning, good morning, good morning)
Or we could shake hands... (Good morning, good morning, good morning)
(Hey, hey, what do you say? Let’s celebrate. It’s a brand new day.)
(Hey, hey, what do you say? It’s a beautiful day.)
Good morning (good morning) to you. It’s so nice to see you.
It’s fun greeting you. Here we are (good morning) and we’ll shine like a star.
We could just wave... (Good morning, good morning, good morning)
Or we could shake hands... (Good morning, good morning, good morning)
(Hey, hey, what do you say? Let’s celebrate. It’s a brand new day.)
(Hey, hey, what do you say? It’s a beautiful day.)
Good morning.

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