Este artista hace figurines de moda con materiales insospechados ¡El resultado es sorprendente!

Edgar Artis es un ilustrador de modas de Armenia que quiso transformar sus figurines de moda en obras de arte. Para esto no necesitó más que su imaginación y un profundo sentido de la estética que lo llevó a crear piezas maravillosas, en las que los vestidos y la cotidianidad son protagonistas. Cuando vemos las ilustraciones de Edgar Artist entendemos que el mundo y la naturaleza son nuestros mejores trajes. Sin más preámbulos hoy te traemos esta magia de arte y cotidianidad.

Este artista hace figurines de moda con materiales insospechados ¡El resultado es sorprendente!

1.Miss Marshmallow

Miss Marshmallow Made out of marshmallows. Hope you are not getting bored of my illustrations. This week was kind of a “Haute Couture ” as you got it Your support and love Is the biggest inspiration for me. Thank you for inspiring me.

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

2. Vestido de escamas

Spoon couture Made out of spoons. We are 500K Thank you so much for your kindness. All this would be nothing without you guys. Thank you for being such amazing people.

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

3. Flora

Flora Made with real chrysanthemums. In this bad winter season i wanted to create a spring mood. Hope it will make you feel happier and warmer today. Check out my Youtube channel. Link is in my Bio. Love you all so much.

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

4. Vestida de Australia

New illustration in Australia Photography by @rosalinebabayan Drawing by me. Hope you like this ocean theme girl. Who is from Australia? Check out my youtube channel. Link is in my Bio.

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

5. Miss. Air Balloon

Miss. Air Balloon Funny dress made with air balloons What do you guys think? Have you checked my YouTube channel? Link is in my Bio.

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

6. La reina del juego

Queen of the Game Made out of playing cards Go watch how i created this piece on My YouTube channel. Link in my BIO.

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

7. Chica en llamas

Girl on Fire Hope you had a great New Year Comment what you think about this one. Have you already subscribed to my YouTube channel ? I’m going to post new videos after holidays. Link is in my Bio.

Un vídeo publicado por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

8.El espíritu de la navidad

Merry Christmas everyone!! Thank you all so much for being with me for a year i am so thankful to you guys. You made my dream come true My art got noticed thanks to you God bless each of you. May your dreams come true this Christmas. I have a tutorial for this beautiful illustration. Go subscribe to my YouTube channel to see how i create my art Link is in my Bio.

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

9. Blooming mood

Blooming mood Some people judge me telling that i waste food, that it’s a shame blah blah blah. I love making art out of food. It brings joy to my life and if you think that it’s stupid i don’t care. I am so thankful to my fans for supporting me. Thank you all a million times i will keep on going as long as you are my back. Please subscribe to my YouTube channel. I will upload video tutorial as soon as it’s ready. Link is in my Bio.

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

10. Guerrera de la libertad

Freedom Warrior Hey guys i want to make a video tutorial of me creating illustrations Subscribe to my channel and support me please I will upload a video as soon as i reach 1000 subscribers on youtube. The link is in my bio

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

11. Chica de tomate

Tomato gown The voting for the contest that I’m going to participate starts on December 1 ,, hoping for your support i will share the link as soon as it starts

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

12. Vestido de noche

Be the LIGHT In the darkness

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

13. Thunderstorm


Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

14. Pavo Real

“Peacock girl” From the “Wilderness” series Contact me for commissions and collaborations #fashionillustrated

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

15. La vida en rojo

Chinese inspiration and briar berries … What is your favorite culture ?

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

16. Madre del océano

“Mother Ocean” made with blue sand, seashells and starfish… Contact me for purchasing my artworks or for commissions

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

17. Dama de hojas de otoño

I am working on some crazy stuff i promise you will be very surprised, amazed or even scared …..

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

18. Bailarina

Ballerina series. This is my favorite drawing i ever did made with pencil shavings. Hope you like it guys..

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

19. Chica de helado

Double Tap if you Looove Ice Cream Ice Cream dress and i love it Hope you like it too

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

20. La vendedora de cerillas

Una foto publicada por EdgaR_ArtiS (@edgar_artis) el

Esperamos que estas ilustraciones de figurines hallan hecho tu día más bello. Te invitamos a que descubras el arte en cada cosa que veas, y que compartas este artículos con tus amigos. Así puedes hacer que alguien tenga un hermoso día.


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