That man is Entrepreneurial Director and Chief Executive Officer, founded PayPal and now sits on the board of both Uber and Solar City.
But more than that, what most people love about him is his honesty.
Here are 5 Reasons Why People Love Elon Musk.
One: His commitment to transparency. While many in the public eye shied away from his ventures in solar energy and space travel, few did anything close to him. He gave away his very first car to charity, and when things didnt work out, he gave it all away again. At the time, some in the public eye said that his was a personality-based gift. And yet, no matter what hes done, he continues to be a strong advocate for total transparency in business.
Two: His entrepreneurial mindset. As a young man, Musk lost several fortunes, but he would always return with a vengeance, using new ideas and approaches to make money. Many in the public eye dont have the entrepreneurial mindset and are too caught up in playing by the rules and staying within their means that they cant adapt when it comes to innovation and new ideas. But, thanks to Musk, many people have been able to thrive and reach their goals.
Three: His enthusiasm for change. There are many things that drive change, but most of the time its not an emotional one. The reason why most people love to hear from Musk is because he seems so passionate about his projects. When hes excited about something, it shows, and people will be curious to know more about it.
Four: His enthusiasm for his own self-made empire. When it comes to making large amounts of money, few are as successful as Musk. The reason why people appreciate him so much is because of how much energy, creativity, and hard work he has put into his companies. Even though there have been some financial issues for PayPal, where he started it, and Solar City, where he founded, these companies are still thriving today.
And fifth: His originality. There are many people out there who think they have the right idea for a product or service, but very few can say that they started it from scratch. Musk is the rare person who began a successful venture from a blank slate. He didnt start at the top of the company, he started at the bottom. That is why so many people love to follow him. They see his passion for his ventures, and that despite the imperfections of the businesses that he owns, he continues to push forward.
Fuente: este post proviene de Lockdown in Spanish, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
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