En esta ocasión el motivo principal del viaje era asistir con una amiga al concierto de Robbie Williams (una experiencia que recordaremos siempre) aunque también aprovechamos para visitar la ciudad, descubrir rincones mágicos y, cómo no, hacer compras.
Os dejo algunas fotos a modo de resumen para que podáis entender mejor por qué Edimburgo es una de mis ciudades favoritas
P.D: Mi otro viaje a Edimburgo
If you follow me on Instagram you will already know that a couple of weeks ago I came back to Edinburgh, a city which has a special meaning for me as when I was in school I always went to Scotland in July to learn English.
In this occasion the main reason for the trip was to attend Robbie Williams concert with a friend (an experience that we will always remember) although we also enjoyed visiting the city, discovering magical spots and, obviously, doing some shopping.
You can find below some pictures as recap so you can better understand why Edinburgh is one of my favorite cities
P.S: My other trip to Edinburgh