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Feliz Año 2016 para todos y que Dios nos bendiga... ---- Buon Anno 2016 a tutti e Dio ci benedica ... ----- Happy New Year 2016 to all and God bless us ... --- Feliz Ano Novo 2016 para todos e que Deu ...

MERRY CRISTMAS 2015 - FOR ALL Que el ESPÍRITU de la NAVIDAD invada nuestros corazones y nos guíe durante todo el año por el camino de FE,AMOR SALUD ALEGRÍA Y FELICIDAD. - ¡FELIZ NAVIDAD PARA TODOS ! ...

Etiquetas: general




Happy weekend to all and good evening everyone, I hope you enjoy this edition I have done especially to all who love our "angel" FREDDIE MERCURY --- Buon fine settimana e buona sera a tutti, spero che vi piaccia questa edizione che ho fatto, in particolare a tutti coloro che amiamo il nostro "angelo" FREDDIE MERCURY.


FREDDIE MERCURY..."MY BIJOU" You and me we are destined you"ll agree to spend the rest of our lives with each other the rest of our days like two lovers for ever yeah for ever My bijou


FREDDIE MERCURY.......... Buenas noches "Freddieadictos y Queeneros" y para todos ,por supuesto,os deseo felices sueños y un feliz fin de semaña, - Good night "Freddie addicts and Queeneros" and for all, of course, wish you happy dreams and a happy weekend, - Buona notte "e Queeneros Freddieadictos" e per tutto, naturalmente, vi auguro sogni felici e un fine settima ...


Doy la bienvenida a Febrero con el mas grande de la historia de la musica ,mi querido e inolvidable FREDDIE MERCURY !

FREDDIE MERCURY-"TRIBUTE 5 SEPTEMBER 2015"Dedicated especially to all those who truly love with all our private Freddie Mercury heart and soul .... Today we commemorate his birth --- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NiQbkXTuWC4 I made this simple video in honor of Freddie Mercury with all my love and admiration hope you will please everyone. --- He hecho este sencillo video en honor a Fre ...