The Bath Song | Original Kids Song | Super Simple Songs

#inglésparaniños #learningenglish #englishforkids

Can you wash your hair?
I can wash my hair.
Can you wash your feet?
I can wash my feet.
Can you wash your face?
I can wash my face.
Can you wash your knees?
I can wash my knees.
I can wash my hair.
I can wash my feet.
I can wash my face.
I can wash my knees.
This is the way we take a bath.
Can you wash your shoulders?
I can wash my shoulders.
Can you wash your toes?
I can wash my toes.
Can you wash your hands?
I can wash my hands.
Can you wash your nose?
I can wash my nose.
I can wash my shoulders.
I can wash my toes.
I can wash my hands.
I can wash my nose.
This is the way we take a bath.
Song: The Bath Song
CD: Super Simple Songs 1
Music: Super Simple Learning
Animation: Tinman Creative Studios
Vocals: Matt Stamm and Leah Hays

Fuente: este post proviene de Blog de Canc_Infantiles, donde puedes consultar el contenido original.
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