Good morning and happy friday!!! Today I will show you some photos from my trip to New York, these are more festive as we were lucky enough to enjoy "Thanksgiving" and "the macy"s thanksgiving day parade", the atmosphere was already very Christmassy and had many people in the streets. We could also visit Central Park with his first snowflakes and "live" some of the scenes from series like Sex and the City (downstairs from the National Library) or Gossip Girl (chatting on the steps of MET). It will not if it"s the time but this city is magical, all full of light and life at any time, I loved and I"m sure that I will return again, there is so much to see !! Have you ever been there? What more you liked??????¡¡¡Besos, mil gracias por vuestros comentarios!!! ?????
Thanksgiving in New York, a good experience
Good morning and happy friday!!! Today I will show you some photos from my trip to New York, these are more festive as we were lucky enough to enjoy "Thanksgiving" and "the macy"s thanksgiving day parade", the atmosphere was already very Christmassy and had many people in the streets. We could also visit Central Park with his first snowflakes and "live" some of the scenes from series like Sex and the City (downstairs from the National Library) or Gossip Girl (chatting on the steps of MET). It will not if it"s the time but this city is magical, all full of light and life at any time, I loved and I"m sure that I will return again, there is so much to see !! Have you ever been there? What more you liked??????¡¡¡Besos, mil gracias por vuestros comentarios!!! ?????

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