She loves you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
She loves you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
She loves you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You think you’ve lost your love
Well, I saw her yesterday
It’s you she’s thinking of
And she told me what to say
She says she loves you
And you know that can’t be bad
She loves you
And you know you should be glad
She said you hurt her so
She almost lost her mind
But now she says she knows
You’re not the hurting kind
She says she loves you
And you know that can’t be bad
She loves you
And you know you should be glad
She loves you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
She loves you
Yeah, yeah, yeah
With a love like that
You know you should be glad
You know it’s up to you
I think it’s only fair
Pride can hurt you too
So apologize to her
Because she loves you
And you know that can’t be bad
She loves you
And you know you should be glad
She loves you
Yeah, yeah, yeah

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