Queen - Princes Of The Universe (Official Video)

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Awesome song from the largest group in history QUEEN! I love you and will always love you, my life would not be the same without you, without your wonderful music and maravillososa unforgettable voice of my dear Freddie Mercury.


No One But You (Only The Good Die Young)(Letra traducida al español de esta bellisima cancion, Tributo de Brian May,John Deacon y Roger Taylor, dedicada al MAS GRANDE DE LA HISTORIA DE LA MUSICA ...FREDDIE MERCURY ! No One But You (Only The Good Die Young) "Nadie Excepto Tú " (Solo los buenos mueren jóvenes) Una mano encima del agua, un ángel alcanzando el cielo Llueve en el cielo, ¿quie ...


My dear and unforgettable Freddie Mercury, the greatest of the greats of music history. It will soon be 24 years that left you and my admiration and love for you has not changed and will never change, you"re always in my mind and heart Thank you for your wonderful and great legacy Farrokh loved ...


My dear and unforgettable Freddie Mercury, the greatest of the greats of music history. It will soon be 24 years that left you and my admiration and love for you has not changed and will never change, you"re always in my mind and heart Thank you for your wonderful and great legacy Farrokh loved ...Queen - Let Me In Your Heart Again ¡¡¡ WONDERFULL !!!