La letra de la canción de BOMBTRACK – RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, una banda de nu metal y otros estilos derivados del heavy metal, el rap y el rock.

Hey yo, it’s just another bombtrack…ughh!
Hey yo, it’s just another bombtrack…yeah!
It goes a-1, 2, 3…

Yeah, it’s just another bombtrack
And suckas be thinkin’ that they can fake this
But I’m gonna drop it at a higher level
‘Cause I’m inclined to stoop down
Hand out some beat-downs
Cold runna train on punk ho’s that
Think they run the game

But I learned to burn that bridge and delete
Those who compete…at a level that’s obsolete
Instead I warm my hands upon the flames of the flag
To recall the downfall
And the businesses that burned us all

See through the news and the views that twist reality

I call the bluff
Fuck manifest destiny

Landlords and power whores
On my people they took turns
Dispute the suits I ignite
And then watch ‘em burn

With the thoughts from a militant mind
Hardline, hardline after hardline

Landlords and power whores
On my people they took turns
Dispute the suits I ignite
And then watch ‘em burn

Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn

Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn

It goes a-1, 2, 3
Another funky radical bombtrack
Started as a sketch in my notebook
And now dope hooks make punks take another look
My thoughts ya hear and ya begin to fear
That ya card will get pulled if ya interfere

With the thoughts from a militant militant mind
Hardline, hardline after hardline

Landlords and power whores
On my people they took turns
Dispute the suits I ignite
And then watch ‘em burn

Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn


Hey, Yo
it’s just another bomb track, Yeah

Check it out
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn
Burn, burn, yes you’re gonna burn

A continuación el vídeo de música de BOMBTRACK – RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE.

Click here to view the video on YouTube.

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