Fun Farm Song w/TEXT (Walk Around the Farm) - by ELF Learning

#inglésparaniños #learningenglish #englishforkids

Let"s take a walk around the farm,
around the farm,
around the farm.
Let"s take a walk around the farm,
What do you SEE?
A cow! A cow!
A dog! A dog!
A duck! A duck!
A horse! A horse!
A pig! A pig!
A sheep! A sheep!
That"s what you SEE!
Let"s take a walk around the farm,
around the farm,
around the farm.
Let"s take a walk around the farm,
What do you HEAR?
Moo! (A cow!)
Ruff, ruff, ruff! (a dog!)
Quack, quack, quack (a duck!)
Neigh! (a horse!)
Oink, oink, oink (a pig!)
Baa! (a sheep!)
That"s what you HEAR!
Let"s take a walk around the farm,
around the farm,
around the farm.
Let"s take a walk around the farm,
What do you SEE?
Let"s take a walk (x 8)
Moo! (Good-bye Cow!)
Ruff, ruff, ruff! (Good-bye, Dog!)
Quack, quack, quack (Good-bye, Duck!)
Neigh! (Good-bye, Horse!)
Oink, oink, oink (Good-bye, Pig!)
Baa! (Good-bye, Sheep!)
(Elephant Sound) Good-bye, Elephant.
On the Farm?

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