#BookReview: Infini by Krista and Becca Ritchie (@kbritchie)

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Some love is infinite

"Dont have a best friend thats a girl" — this was the advice from my older cousin. I didnt take it. Because he followed with, "friends dont f*ck friends. And youll want to f*ck her."

It was terrible advice.

My cousin shouldve told me that being best friends with Baylee Wright — since she was twelve — would be the best and worst decision of my life.

He should have told me to protect her from what was coming.

He should have told me that when a darkness crawled towards us, thered be no safety net.

Now Ive signed back on to the same Vegas acrobatic show as Baylee, working together for the first time in years. And she tells me that shes having trouble in a certain “area” of her life — because of our past.

You can help me fix it,” she says.

And then she hands me a list.

Standalone New Adult Romance - Recommended for readers 18+ for mature content.

Luka Kotova is introduced in Amour Amour, and Infini takes place in the same acrobatic world. However, its not necessary to read Amour Amour prior to Infini.

My Thoughts

I believe so far February becomes my favorite book month this year; theres no better way to start 2017 than reading from my favorite authors. Around September last year I was into a very serious reading slump after finishing Some Kind of Perfect by Krista and Becca Ritchie, I was only able to pick few books that I REALLY wanted to read but otherwise, I couldnt even look anything else, and I beautifully fail my reading challenge. Now, I take the risk and pick up the new Aereal Ethereal book by K&B, INFINI, and let me tell you guys, it didnt disappoint.

Infini tells the story of Luka Kotova, an Russian-American high-risk acrobat of Aereal Etherial company; hes the most caring, sweetest and compassionate Kotova, the guy you may not note at first glance but the one youll make the stronger connection with. We also meet Baylee Wright, a very talented juggler, who tragic past didnt destroy her wishes to live her dreams. Four years ago they were friends but because an unfortunate event they were force to stop seeing each other and even speak each other names. Now, theyre working for the same show, Infini, which is in the verge of been cut, and what started as an innocent relationship turned into a passionate attraction they cant deny anymore, however, are they strong enough to face all those who dont want them together? Or is their love worthy enough to fight for even when it could jeopardize the show theyre working so hard to save?

This book was AMAZING, an absolutely improvement from Amour, Amour and I like that one too. AA was very good but I felt that in the end it was rushed to get it done, besides there was some inta-love from Nora and Nik, which didnt appeal to me. However, Infini is the contrary, first we have a couple that already have an history, theyre only suffering for the horrible consequences of their mistakes and second, this book is around 100 pages more large than AA so theres a little bit more room to wrap everything like it should. But let me tell you that the same magic persist, just as the marvelous writing signature of K&B which compels us and make us addicted to their books.

Luka was my favorite this time for many reasons; he was suffering so much because what happened with Baylee and so many other issues hed struggled with through his life. I dont saying Baylee didnt suffered enough, she had her own quota of tragedy, but I just connected with Luka the most. I also like that because we have a Kotovas POV, we can enter on their world properly and know better the whole ordeal of the family, and understand why Circus is Family. I LOVE when Luka hang out with Timo and Katya, and his interactions with Nik almost always make me cry.

I always enjoy how K&B made room for family, how all their books have a group of caring love ones that are always there to help, support and love. Kotova family made a beautiful statement on this book and I love how important family is for them, not only the inner circle of Nik, Luka, Timo and Katya but others like Dimitri, which surprised me this time, because he wasnt my favorite on AA but here he turned into the strongest ally of Luka. Speaking about secondary characters I just enjoy reading about Camila and John Ruiz, they were so funny and I hope one of them get a book soon.

By other hand, I like how K&B present us a really strong angst, theyre not playing around, they are not sugarcoating things, they are telling you simply and clear that life have lot of issues and you have to fight for what you believe until you get what you want. Honestly, when I learn why Luka and Baylee were separate years ago, I thought “how in the heck are they going to get together again?” because this issue wasnt light, and they have lot to lose, lot of people who depend of them and lot of lives to destroy. But I like how K&B get the most realistic possible about the whole thing and in between, gave us subject to think about like bulimia, kleptomania and depression.

In conclusion, this is one of the best romance I read in a while, I love everything about this book, theres nothing remotely wrong about it. Infini was a total page-turner read with an emotional and heartbreaking story, realistic but without taking the magic of love away. I strongly believe there are not better developers than K&B, each character primary or secondary are always staling you heart. I cant wait for what more they have from this universe.

About the Author

Krista & Becca Ritchie are New York Times and USA Today bestselling authors and identical twins—one a science nerd, the other a comic book geek—but with their shared passion for writing, they combined their mental powers as kids and have never stopped telling stories. Now in their early twenties, they write about other twenty-somethings navigating through life, college, and romance. They love superheroes, flawed characters, and soul mate love.

They are the New Adult authors of the Addicted series and Calloway Sisters spin-off series, and you can find them on almost every social media, frolicking around like wannabe unicorns.
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