23 things I learn in my 23 years of life

Today is birthday. I honestly dont care about the whole getting old thing but the fact that this is my day, its my time, my moment to celebrate that I was born, my triumph, my family and all the beautiful things that Ive experienced and seen. 12 has always been my number and I am happy to be honored this beautiful day.

Through my whole life Ive experienced so many different things, of course, it hasnt been dramatic like people like Malala but, I do have some things that Ive learn and I think are valuable enough to share with you. So, today Im sharing the 23 things l learn through my 23 years of life.

1) Dont be myself, find myself

I saw this on the book Some Kind of Perfect by Krista and Becca Ritchie; at some point one of the main character said that when he has a daughter he would tell her “dont be yourself, find yourself”, and thats something that stuck with me since I read it. This lesson Ive been learning it through my time at college but its recently that I notice what it really means. When I was young my parents constantly were telling me, “be yourself” but, how could I when I didnt have any idea of who I was?

On those young years we always copying from others, people we admired and want to be like, thats not wrong at all, for the contrary, how we can be something when we dont experiment what we want to be in the future? I now understand that it was a good thing that I copied friends, I tried to be something else because I was molding myself, liking and disliking. So, when I (if I ever) have children I absolutely will advise them to dont be yourself because you dont know who you are, therefore find yourself.

2) Be responsible

My mom was always very keen about we learn this. Through my whole life I try to commit to my responsibilities. Its important to always keep your word and do what you promise to do, create compromise and honored our commitments. It would do so much good because people will see you like someone they can trust and work with, it will always make a good impression and create good relationships.

3) Dont take everything to personal or seriously

At the same time, we also have to understand that not everything in life have to be too serious, because we also have to enjoy what were doing it, otherwise, how can we be happy in life? To be honest, I not always enjoyed what I did, especially when I pressured myself to be a straight A student and make my parent proud, but after go to college I understand that the stress of it doesnt worth it. I have to be happy for what I do, enjoy it and I wont do that if Im putting unnecessary pressure on my shoulders.

4) Finding my niche

On the blogging world people say this all the time, its the same thing that finding yourself, discover something that your good at and make it beyond impressive. This was twisted for me because I always was good with words, I started to read very early in my life but after a while I left it behind; literature wasnt my favorite subject at school but after getting into the bookish world I release that it was destined for me.

By other hand theres the journalist; I started on this path when I was 10 years old or so, and then I re-enter in it when I was twelves through my entire high school experience and I didnt notice that I like it until I was getting into college, when I decided that that was what I want to study. For all this I needed to evaluated myself and take the decision of my life based on what I liked the most, and Im so glad that I was able to have a career in something I love.

5) Take the opportunities

Sometimes life give you so much and you just have to be grateful for what you have. Ive learn in a hard way to take the opportunities that I find on my way to success and Im honest, when I said in a “hard way” because on a few times I let go things that if I could, I take back. Right now, I try to appreciate all the opportunities and do what I have to do to reach my dreams.

6) Dont be afraid to start early

The most greatest success in life have been made by young people, so I release that Im so young, yes time is flying by, but at the same time there are so much to live yet that I just cant be afraid of starting to look for my dreams at this age. I started few project a way back that didnt turn ok but that was good because I learned from them, at least I tried, it doesnt matter what age we have, we still can create wonderful things.

7) Enjoy the moments

Its important to be part of what is happening around you. I still working on this, Im not perfect and if you ask my family they will tell you that I never participate on anything because I always stuck on my phone but Im really trying (however, they dont understand that social media is my job). At least I understand what I have to do to make it happen.

8) Be passionate

Im introverted so its hard for me to express my feelings, however, thats not what is this about, Im talking about be excited by something, about be inspired by something so fiercely that you want to do anything to make it happened and I can be like it inside. I understand that I have to let go my walls and feel the joy of doing something, creating and living. Life have so many wonderful things to share that I cant stop living them just because Im afraid to get hurt.

9) Get out and have fun

This is not something that I practice but something that I wish I did more on my childhood. My mom was always very overprotecting with me and my sisters and she often said no when we wanted to hang out with friends and do something fun. I understand that I needed that moment of fun, Im not talking about go to parties and stay out late night but do other innocent, good stuff but the only thing we ever got was no. I like my life as a bookworm but at the same time I felt like I lost so many good experience because I didnt have the opportunity of it.

10) Experiment

The same point of before but by other hand, I still have the opportunity to experiment much more and I want to. Im having things right now that are out my comfort zone and Im kind of afraid of them but Im excited to experiment them juts as much and living them the fullest.

11) Make mistake and learn from them

We always afraid of so many things in life but I guess that its important to know that its ok to make mistake, its normal, we only have to learn and try to not made them again.

12) Build my confidence

I think that this is a portion of ourselves, our family and the environment were living but I believe its important to build our confidence very early in life. I always have my family that tell me I was good at what I did but there also some physic aspect of me that was a subject of bullied by some, and that made me conscious of myself for a long time. Right now, I understand that Im more than my physic, that doesnt define me and it doesnt limit me, so, I try each day to watch me in the mirror and tell myself how beautiful I am and that I am capable to do everything a dream.

13) Dont be afraid to express myself

When I was on middle school I was very outspoken about my feelings but when I started high school that just disappear and I take refuge in my books, but been in college give me the courage to express myself and dont be afraid to say what I have to say to get what I wanted. That was one of the most empowerment things I gained.

14) Dont jump into assumption

We cant always assume the worst about others, not everything is black and white and there are so many braches that we dont know, so, I guess its important to understand that not what we see its always what it actually is, and before do something rush with need to know all the things first.

15) Be positive

This is my mojo right now. Think, talk and act positively. I strongly believe in good vibes so I think that have this positivity thing going on around you can make lot of good things for you.

16) Let things go

I learn to stop having grouch on something, on someone, that that makes more damage to me than them. I almost lost a great friendship for a grouch, and that makes me rethink the whole thing. I could miss so much because of it.

17) Surrender myself with good, positive and productive people

When the place and the people around you work with you instead of against you it notices. I learn that its important to have a group of hardworking, passionate, proactive and positive people that inspire you and make you better day to day.

18) Be nice

You dont have to be a mean to get what you want, for the contrary, be nice helps to gain more friends than enemies. I try very hard to be a good person, to help the people that I can without looking for reward. If someone need of me Ill do my best to help.

19) Is fine to use makeup as its not

People has this thing going on about make up, and true beauty and all that. Yes, the inside beauty is more important that the exterior but why not using makeup? Everybody has the right to choose to use it or not. The beauty industry needs to stop chamming the women that dont use it, and those who dont use it have to stop chamming us for using it. Its a vicious circle that need to stop right now.

I believe that all women are beautiful in the own right, so for me, using make up is showcasing your existing beauty. On this time there are so many ecological, organic cosmetic products that doesnt hurts animals or the planet. I think its time to grant the women the right to choose how we want the world watch us.

20) I dont need to have my life figure out

When we have this age, the adults around us are constantly asking us for our life plan, is good to have one, but at the same time is good to not have one. I understand that Im so young to stick to things and that I have so much still to live. Im not saying that Ill be a vacancy but I dont have to stress myself with the future just yet.

21) Is OK be single

This is something I promote so much. Im not encourage the girls to stay single but I dont understand that urge to have a boyfriend. I think is important to spend time with ourselves to reevaluate our value as women, our likes, feeling good with ourselves before jumping in a new relationship. Beside, be with a man dont define us as women.

22) If an adult tells me to act like my age, I just dont

Theres still time to be serious about life but I never going be in my twenties again; be childish, watching cartoons, or even play with toys for time to time, is not a crime. I need to enjoy my young years the fullest.

23) Family is everything

Friends come and go, but family stick with you for the rest of your life. Family is your core, your safe place, the comfort after a long hard day, its important never give it for granted because when its gone its really going to break your heart. I found out that my family is the best of me and Im so fortunate to have such wonderful parents and lovely sisters. They all celebrate my triumph, are proud of me beyond words and love me unconditionally. I dont know what would be of me if I dont have them.

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Etiquetas: Life by Giova
