Vídeo de música con letra de Sonata Arctica – Tonight I dance Alone

El vídeo de música de con letra de Sonata Arctica – Tonight I dance Alone.

A continuación la letra de la canción de Sonata Arctica – Tonight I dance Alone.

Sometimes we find things we’re not looking for
and we lose the sense of reason

Sometimes we lose what we are caring for
and then face the day without them

My life, my home, my you

Sometimes we fail to say how hurt we are
When the word we fear speaks treason

Don´t wanna be there when my Cupid dies
from a wound by his own arrow

Here’s to life, my home, my you

I raise a glass ‘n drown my sorrow
when I´m on my own
I dry my eyes on a shoulder
but it´s not my own
I cannot hold you, my tears are made of stone
I feel a tap on my shoulder, but… tonight I dance alone

I raise a glass ‘n drown my sorrow
when I´m on my own
I dry my eyes on a shoulder
but it´s not my own
I cannot hold you, my tears are made of stone
I feel a tap on my shoulder, but… tonight I dance alone

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